Tag Archives: info graphic

Some New Readings

I’ve been doing some research on the main lineage topics I’ll be using for this portion of Thesis Prep… And I have decided on meshing the relationship between:

Community Types, Housing Trends (Square Footages),

Average Commute Times,

and major Game Changers in technology that would have greatly effected these topics (such as computers, cell phones, etc).

So far, I’ve found a great info graphic on the history of cell phones!

And I found a really nice article about How American Homes Vary by the Year they were Built by Mousumi Sarkar!

I believe showing the major changes in square footages of homes in relationship to the changes in available technology to the average person will be interesting. The commute times are more relevant to my design, but will most assuredly show a staggering statistic to how much time we spend in the car on a daily basis.